Copernicia seeds available for U.S. & International Orders. Please contact us for international orders. SUBSCRIBE to our e-mail list at the bottom right of the link below or at the bottom of this News blog post.
We have a limited batch of only (2) species this time around. Due to the death of the person who was helping with the collection of these seeds, our operations were drastically hindered in 2024.
We hope to have some more seeds in the coming months if all goes well.
Thanks for your support.
AVAILABLE via our website & Palm Talk forum as well.
Copernicia cowellii
Copernicia rigida 'SILVER'
Copernicia cowellii, dwarf jata palm, (Arecaceae)

Copernicia rigida 'SILVER', jata palm (Arecaceae)
From the surrounding area of Moa in the Oriente / Holguin Province in Cuba, where our father is from. "This area is affected by fires every several years, but it does not affect these plants that are adapted and very resistant." The species / epithet means "rigid" named for the rigid leaf segments.
These sales do not benefit the tyrannical communist regime.
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